Lars Laj

LARS LAJ® | Hello School!


Lars Laj

LARS LAJ® | Hello School!

Hello School!

The beginning of the school year is fast approaching. Therefore, today we remind you of our most important texts on educational playgrounds.

At Lars Laj, we know that playgrounds are not just a place for outdoor play and social bonding. We believe that the right environment also teaches, develops, and activates children. With this in mind, we create interesting and safe solutions for playgrounds.



  • See how you can use our designs such as Classroom, Chalkboard and Abacus in your kindergarten or school garden project. Also, learn how to conduct outdoor lessons with Lars Laj's latest designs. We show it all in these articles: LARS LAJ® | Outdoor learning - Lars Laj’s educational playgroundLARS LAJ® | Outdoor classroom
  • For those who care about an intuitive approach to play, the use of natural, ecological elements in the play zone, and who want to assimilate the playground with the environment, we recommend the article: How to design a playground in the spirit of Montessori teachings: LARS LAJ® | Montessori Playground
  • Playing with other children is an integral part of a young person's development - it teaches teamwork, creative thinking and coping with everyday situations. At Lars Laj, we make sure that our playgrounds are a welcoming place for all children. Therefore, we have created a series of inclusive sets and products with the aim to open up playgrounds to children with movement disorders, motor coordination problems and disabilities. Read more here: LARS LAJ® | Integration playground

Are you looking for more inspiration? - visit our website or download the catalog!

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Let's create an eco-playground together

Our planet is demanding more and more care and respect from us - at Lars Laj we think about its future - after all, the most important thing for us is the WELFARE OF CHILDREN!

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Do you need a custom-made playground?

We design and manufacture non-standard play area projects. Contact us!

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two little girls

We design and manufacture non-standard play area projects. Contact us!


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Playground accessibility for all children, including children with disabilities, is a key aspect that should be considered when planning and implementing such spaces. Creating inclusive spaces promotes the development of social skills and ensures equal access to play. Here are some key points to look out for to ensure maximum playground accessibility.

The playground is an environment that is an important element in the process of children's emotional and social development. This is where toddlers learn to cooperate and communicate, deal with emotions, establish relationships, and develop creativity and independence. When designing a playground, it is necessary to take into account the various factors that can affect this complex development process.   

Education through interactionThemed playgrounds are designed with different professions in mind, offering children early exposure to a variety of life fields.


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