Lars Laj

LARS LAJ® | Spring cleaning - a few words about inspections and reparations of our playgrounds


Lars Laj

LARS LAJ® | Spring cleaning - a few words about inspections and reparations of our playgrounds

Spring cleaning - a few words about inspections and reparations of our playgrounds

As spring arrives, bringing life back into nature, it’s time not just for tidying our homes and gardens, but also for ensuring the outdoor spaces where our children play and thrive are well cared for.  

spring cleaning

Maintaining high safety standards on playgrounds is a top priority for us. In accordance with the EN-1176 standard for playgrounds, and our recommendations, all equipment and its components should be regularly inspected, checked, and maintained with a frequency that ensures the playgrounds are kept in excellent condition.

Why are the spring inspections so important?

During winter, playgrounds often remain unused. Rapidly changing weather, freezing temperatures, as well as rain or snow, can damage the devices. That in turn can cause potential danger to children using the equipment. Spring inspections allow for quick intervention and repairs, ensuring the start of the playground season will be safe and pleasant for all. What kind of inspections do we recommend? 

Regular check-ups 

Regular check-ups and inspections allow us to quickly spot potential dangers, that could come from vandalism, use, or weather conditions. These actions are necessary for identifying problems such as broken elements, shattered bottles, or other hazards. For facilities particularly vulnerable to damage or heavily used, it is recommended to conduct inspections daily.

  • Cleanliness of the playground - Especially sweeping, if there is a sandbox on the grounds

  • State of the ropes, to ensure they aren’t damaged or dangerously hanging

  • State of the foundations and all the exposed elements that could cause danger

  • eventually look for sharp edges or missing construction elements, which could be crucial for the stability of the device

  • any excess wear from the use of the moving parts and the structural integrity of the entire construction

  • the state of the surfaces and possible repair work

Functional control

Functional control is a special type of inspection. Its purpose is to check the functionality and stability of the equipment, as well as to assess its level of wear. Those inspections should be concluded every 1 to 3 months.

  • Checking the strength of the ropes, to ensure the safety of  users

  • assessment of the state of the construction elements, paying special attention to their durability and level of resistance to damage

  • Control of the rope clamps (elements connecting two ropes) - detection and removal of any loose or defective parts

  • Regular cleaning as well as ensuring no foreign materials are present that could compromise safety during use.

Those actions are crucial in ensuring long-term functionality and safety.

Yearly capital control

Annual check-up, conducted every 12 months, is the base for the assessment of the general level of equipment safety. It is required and mandatory according to the EN-1176 norm, and our warranty recommendations. The main control involves: checking the state of the foundations, surfaces, and the general state of the devices including the impact of the weather conditions, signs of decay, and corrosion, or any changes in safety caused by conducted repairs or exchanged parts. It is important to pay special attention to parts that don’t usually require servicing. The annual controls may require digging out or disassembling some parts. Therefore they should be performed by people with the necessary competencies. 

The most frequently inspected items include:

  • Checking the rope tension, required for durability and user safety

  • Assessment of the general state of the construction elements and their resistance to weather conditions,

  • Inspection of rope clumps and construction joints, detection and change of any loose elements,

  • Checking the width of the safety surface on the ground around the devices and eventual supplement or repair

  • Paying special attention to elements that don’t require regular servicing, but are necessary for the overall functionality 

All of those actions help to make sure that playgrounds are not only fun and attractive to children, but first of all safe and durable. It is our top priority, as a responsible producer and service provider. Maintaining these practices for conservation and repair will not only elongate the life of our playgrounds but more importantly, keep the equipment safe to use. Competent personnel, responsible for those tasks are an invaluable asset to keeping our playgrounds ready to be enjoyed by our little explorers.

 spring clreaning

Professional  playground maintenance services

We specialize in professional inspections of playgrounds, ensuring their safety and reliability. At the client’s special request, we offer complex inspection services, which include all types of controls mentioned before. Thanks to our experience and knowledge, we’re able to provide the highest standard of playground repair and maintenance. 

During our controls, we are using only the newest technology and tools, so every part of the playground can be well assessed in terms of safety and functionality.  Additionally, we offer consultations and recommendations regarding any necessary servicing or repairs, tailored to the individual needs of every client.

By choosing Lars Laj, you can count on the highest engagement and attention to detail, which will ensure your playground stays a safe and attractive place for children for many years to come.


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