Lars Laj

LARS LAJ® | Lars Laj’s Environmental Management System Has Been Successfully Audited!


Lars Laj

LARS LAJ® | Lars Laj’s Environmental Management System Has Been Successfully Audited!

Lars Laj’s Environmental Management System Has Been Successfully Audited!

We are happy to announce that Lars Laj company has just obtained the ISO 14001:2015 certification. 

Last year, Lars Laj’s factory was awarded the ISO 9001:2015 certificate in recognition of our quality management system (more information here). As our goal is to ensure that the company meets the highest standards of the internal operations, this year, our factory has been audited again! Now we checked if Lars Laj's environmental management system is in compliance with ISO 14001:2015 standards and we successfully completed the audit. 

ISO 14001 standards are related to the environmental management. They help organizations decrease the negative impact of their operations on the environment (air, water, or land) as well as comply with current laws, regulations and other requirements concerning environmental issues. 

As a company, we are focused to design, manufacture and assemble our products with the utmost care for the environment. That’s why we are extremely happy that our current production and other internal operations are being performed in compliance with the ISO 14001 environmental management standards. Our plans are to constantly improve our performance and keep on introducing new eco-friendly solutions to our internal processes.

ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 logo for Lars Laj Playgrounds 

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Let's create an eco-playground together

Our planet is demanding more and more care and respect from us - at Lars Laj we think about its future - after all, the most important thing for us is the WELFARE OF CHILDREN!

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