Lars Laj

LARS LAJ® | How to arrange a playground in the garden?


Lars Laj

LARS LAJ® | How to arrange a playground in the garden?

How to arrange a playground in the garden?

The warm weather encourages us to spend more time outdoors. If you’d like to organize a safe and fun place for children to play in your garden and a recreational area for yourself, we present 7 steps on how to arrange a garden playground and a chill-out area!

Lars Laj garden playground

Step 1: The Playground’s Location


What is the best place to install a playground in the garden? If you are planning a play area for children, there are several factors to consider:


Sun shading:

In order to protect your children from the scorching sun in the summer, it is a good idea to situate the playground under a cover of trees (remember, however, to keep an appropriate distance from the branches) or under the sunshades.


Proximity to the house:

It is safe to locate the playground far from the gate or garage and at the same time - within the sight of the parents (for instance close to the terrace or kitchen window) to keep an eye on the little ones.



It is worth considering a children's play area not only as a place where play equipment is located, but more holistically as a space where children will spend their time, develop, discover the world and relax. Therefore, let's also create the cozy playground’s surrounding:

  • plants: let's plant edible, non-poisonous greenery and colorful flowers that will attract butterflies.
  • garden: if we love cultivating the garden ourselves, let's instill this passion in our children. Let's help them make their own vegetable garden (in our offer you will find a specially designed vegetable garden or wooden pots) or a flower bed.
  • fencing: if the playground is close to the border of our garden, it is better to hide it behind a fence or plants (hedge, trees, shrubs) to ensure the children’s privacy and protect them from noise and fumes.

 Lars Laj garden playground


Step 2: The Garden’s Dimensions


The choice of garden playground equipment depends on the size of a future play area for children. Play equipment should be installed at a sufficient distance from each other so that children can use them safely, e.g., when sliding down the slide, they do not run into their siblings who are swinging on the swing.

 We can arrange a multifunctional and fun playground even for the smallest garden area. Contact us and we will prepare the offer that will meet your needs!


Step 3: The Playground’s Materials


A playground in the garden is an investment for years! Instead of choosing playground equipment made of non-durable materials that wear out after one season, it is worth considering purchasing a high-quality playground made of solid wood that will last for years and which will be used not only by our children, but also by our grandchildren in the future. Lars Laj playgrounds are made of larch wood and acacia robinia wood, which are especially resistant to weather conditions.


 Lars Laj garden playground


Step 4: The Playgrounds’s Style


The playground should be aesthetically adjusted to the surrounding area. Is your garden designed in a classic, elegant style or maybe it is minimalist and modern? In our offer you will find playground equipment that will perfectly match the style of your garden. Lars Laj offers natural acacia robinia playgrounds, classic larch playgrounds as well as modern metal play equipment!

What’s more, our playgrounds are available not only in the standard color version (energetic oranges, blues and reds), but also in a new, pastel version. Subtle colors of olive, grey, pink or blue will perfectly match the flowers and greenery in your garden.


 Lars Laj garden playground


Step 5: Garden playground equipment


Which types of play equipment are the best for gardens?


Sand and Water Play Sets


The sandbox is an absolute must-have on every playground. Toddlers love playing with sand, and what's more, this is an activity that supports the development of sensorics, motor skills and imagination. We offer ready-made sandboxes made of larch or acacia wood. We also offer various types of wooden edgings from which we can manufacture a custom-made sandbox. Wooden play sets with a table, crane and bucket are also a fantastic solution to create a small sand factory!


Lars Laj garden playground


Multifunctional play sets


Children over 3 years of age will adore the playground equipment with climbing ladders and climbing walls, on which they can play safely and develop their physical and motor skills. Apart from many climbing options, our multifunctional devices can also be equipped with slides: with classic ones as well as a Twister’s slide, which will bring extra fun to the playground!


Lars Laj garden playground


Swings and rockers


Another playground classic is a swing and a spring rider! Swings and spring riders do not only guarantee fun - swinging and rocking also have a calming effect on children. In addition, the swing stimulates the sense of balance.

We have a lot of swings to choose from! Depending on the preferences and the age of your children, we can choose a special bucket seat for toddlers from 1 year old, a classic flat seat, a tire or our bestseller - a bird's nest seat, on which several children can swing at the same time.


Lars Laj garden playground




A wooden house is a functional, aesthetic and inspiring playground equipment for the garden. And here we also have plenty of possibilities: from simple, rustic wooden huts to more complex playhouses with a sandbox.


Lars Laj garden playground  


Theme playgrounds


Does your child dream of a small castle in the garden? It’s not a problem - our offer includes plenty of themed playgrounds: castles, small palaces, shops, jungle-themed climbing equipment and many more!


Lars Laj garden playground  




The garden is the perfect place for performing a daily set of exercises. Outdoor fitness, trim trail equipment, mini football goals, a basket, a foosball table or a tennis table can be installed in your garden and encourage children (and adults as well) to train and play together.


Lars Laj garden playground  


Step 6: Safety Surface


To ensure the safe play of your children, the playground equipment should be installed on a safe surface: depending on the height of the device, it can be grass, gravel or sand. If you have doubts if the surface of your garden is suitable for installing a swing or a playground with a slide, please contact our sales department. Our specialists will help you choose the right playground equipment.


Step 7: Recreational Space


Let's not forget about creating a cozy place for relaxation and recreation for the whole family. Picnic shelters, wooden shelters with benches and a grill, wooden benches and tables, hammocks are just a few inspirations for how to arrange a relaxation corner in your garden.


 Lars Laj garden playground
Lars Laj garden playground

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Playground accessibility for all children, including children with disabilities, is a key aspect that should be considered when planning and implementing such spaces. Creating inclusive spaces promotes the development of social skills and ensures equal access to play. Here are some key points to look out for to ensure maximum playground accessibility.

The playground is an environment that is an important element in the process of children's emotional and social development. This is where toddlers learn to cooperate and communicate, deal with emotions, establish relationships, and develop creativity and independence. When designing a playground, it is necessary to take into account the various factors that can affect this complex development process.   

Education through interactionThemed playgrounds are designed with different professions in mind, offering children early exposure to a variety of life fields.


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